Fully Responsive Designs Built On The WordPress Platform


Digital Downloads Store
£ 495
  • Up to 8 Pages
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Customers Own Colour Scheme
  • Customers Own Text & Graphics
  • Stock Graphics - up to 3 if required
  • Contact Form
  • Included products installed
  • Shopping Cart
  • PayPal Payment Platform Integrated
  • SEO Software - basic installed
  • Backup Software - basic installed
  • Translation software (optional)
  • 2 Revisions
  • Email Support
  • Delivery Time 5 Days


Suitable for any store selling downloadable digital products such as e-Books or software .


Amazon Affiliates Store
£ 695
  • Up to 12 Pages
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Customers Own Colour Scheme
  • Customers Own Text & Graphics
  • Stock Graphics - up to 5 if required
  • Contact Form
  • Chosen Amazon products installed
  • Shopping Cart
  • Linked to Amazon Payment Platform
  • SEO Software - basic installed
  • Backup Software - basic installed
  • Translation software (optional)
  • 3 Revisions
  • Email Support
  • Delivery Time 10 Days


Selling Amazon products as an Amazon Affiliate and receiving a commission for each sale.


Eighteen Page Online Store
£ 995
  • Up to 18 Pages
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Customers Own Colour Scheme
  • Customers Own Text & Graphics
  • Stock Graphics - up to 10 if required
  • Contact Form
  • Own Products - up to 50 uploaded
  • Shopping Cart
  • Payment Platform Integrated
  • SEO Software - Premium installed
  • Backup Software - Premium installed
  • I click Translation software installed
  • 4 Revisions
  • Telephone & Email Support
  • Delivery Time 15 Days


Online store selling any type of physical products or print on demand items. 

Prices shown plus VAT (where applicable)

Additional features and special customisations, such as additional product uploads and software upgrades or additional special pages etc, can be added to any package upon request at additional cost. We can also design custom logos and graphics if required. These and any other special requirements can be requested on the booking form under ‘special requirements’

The Ordering Process

  1. Firstly, select the package that is most suitable, based upon your needs and requirements.
  2. Click the ‘Select’ button to proceed to the order page.
  3. On the order page enterthe required details and submit your order.
  4. Within 1 hour we will contact you via telephone to discuss your project in full detail.
  5. You pay a 50% deposit of the project price. We accept all major credit and debit cards or cash via Western Union.
  6. Once the prototype of the website is complete we will send you a link to view it.
  7. Any revisions or alterations can then be made until you are happy with the final version.
  8.  You pay the final balance and we then install the website on your  hosting and domain.


Don’t worry. Just select the package which you think suits you best and then we can change whatever is required when we discuss your project on the telephone.

You pay nothing in advance!

Just order the package which you think suits your needs best and we will discuss everything else when we chat on the telephone.

You’re not under any obligation to proceed with your order, but if you choose to do so then we would ask for a 50% deposit. We accept all major debit and credit cards. We  also accept cash payments via Western Union. 

All of our websites are built on the latest responsive technology and guaranteed to display correctly across all devices. 

This is very important since more than 75% of all searches today are done from mobile devices. 

No problem. We will add dummy text, stock images, and placeholders so that you can update your website’s content easily in the future.

Products can always be uploaded later if necessary. In the meantime we can either insert placeholders or dummy graphics just for illustration purposes until you have the products available for uploading to your website. 

An Amazon affiliate store is where links to Amazon products are put on an online store and when a customer makes a purchase via one of these links, the website owner receives a commission. An example of an Amazon affiliates store can be seen at one of our demonstration sites  at

Our Amazon Affiliates package includes creating the Amazon Affiliates agreement for you and uploading Amazon products specific to the store.  We also include video tutorials showing you how to add further Amazon products (very easy to do). Any type of niche store  – including ‘adult’ stores can be created.  

A Print on Demand store is an online store that sells customized merchandise such as T Shirts, Caps, Mugs etc. which are produced and dispatched from a third party source to the vendors own specific designs. 

The beauty of such a store is there is little (if any) initial stock outlay since each product is only produced once the order has been placed by the buyer.  

We have a number of third party product manufacturers  who provide Print on Demand services under a ‘white label’ scheme. We can also provide an initial range of T shirt designs to get you started.

Yes, we certainly do. 

You just need to provide us with the log in details for your cPanel and FTP.

No problem. We offer hosting plans from just £1.95 a week. All of our hosting plans are on high speed SSD servers hosted from Amsterdam and  include unlimited email  accounts and C Panel. 

Yes, of course. We offer email and telephone support depending upon the package chosen.

If there is anything you need help with just email us and we will take a look at any changes that need to be made to your website. 

You should be able to manage your website easily from the admin panel with simple  ‘drag and drop’ options. Changing or updating the text and images is very easy and we do provide step by step video tutorials to show you how.  

All Major Credit Card Accepted
Cash Payments accepted via Western Union